Category: Reflect

  • What does the parable of the Prodigal Son teach about forgiveness?

    The Prodigal Son: A Lesson in Divine Forgiveness

    The timeless parable of the Prodigal Son, as recounted in the Gospel of Luke, portrays a tale of repentance, forgiveness, and unconditional love. It teaches that forgiveness is a powerful act of love and acceptance, regardless of one’s past mistakes. Through the father’s unconditional love for his returning son, the essence of true forgiveness in…

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  • How does the Golden Rule apply to modern life?

    The Golden Rule: A Timeless Guide for Modern Life

    In a world buzzing with endless notifications, rapid social changes, and a constant push towards digital connection, the Golden Rule stands out as a beacon of simplicity and profound truth: “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” This principle, which crosses cultures and epochs, holds a powerfully relevant place in our mental health…

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  • What lessons can we learn from the story of David and Goliath?

    David and Goliath: Lessons for Overcoming Challenges

    The story of David and Goliath dates back to the 4th century and has endured as a timeless tale of courage, faith, and triumph over seemingly insurmountable odds. This iconic biblical narrative offers powerful lessons that are still relevant today, inspiring individuals to confront their fears, embrace their true selves, and turn obstacles into opportunities…

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  • How does Psalm 23 offer comfort in times of difficulty?

    How does Psalm 23 offer comfort in times of difficulty?

    In the ever-changing landscape of life, the timeless wisdom found in Psalm 23 offers a beacon of hope and reassurance for those navigating the challenges of our times. This beloved scripture, with its powerful metaphor of God as the Good Shepherd, provides a profound source of comfort and guidance for those who seek solace in…

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